No matter how confident you are when you take the first medication in the abortion pill regimen (mifepristone), many women decide to reverse the process after regretting their decision.
If you are curious about reversing your decision, there may still be time for progesterone therapy, which can reverse the abortion pill in some instances. Keep reading to determine what steps to take.
How Does the Abortion Pill Work?
The abortion pill is only prescribed up to 10 weeks (70 days) into your pregnancy. It consists of two different medications. Mifepristone is an antiprogestin, which blocks progesterone from reaching your uterus so the pregnancy stops developing.
Misoprostol is taken 24-48 hours later. This medication induces uterine cramping to expel the pregnancy tissues and fetal remnants like your body naturally would if you were miscarrying.
How Does Abortion Reversal Work?
It’s important to know that the abortion pill reversal (APR) is most effective when only the first abortion pill, mifepristone, is taken. Timing is key; the goal is to start the reversal protocol within 24 hours after taking the first abortion medication. However, there have been successful reversals when treatment was started within 72 hours of taking the first pill.
Is Abortion Pill Reversal Safe?
The reversal process is very safe and effective. Natural progesterone is commonly used to treat early pregnancies when the mother’s level is too low and thus threatens miscarriage.
Progesterone therapy has been used supplementally for more than 50 years. One study showed a success rate of 64% of women who had used this method for the abortion pill reversal with no apparent risk of birth defects or undesired effects.
While it does not guarantee the process will work, it has a track record of being highly effective. Remember, the sooner it is administered, the better.
If you are in the time window and are reconsidering your abortion decision, or even if you’re undecided and want to talk to get answers to your questions, call 877-558-0333 today and the hotline associate will help you right away.
You can also schedule a no-cost and confidential appointment at Hope First to learn more about the Abortion Reversal Protocol. Contact us today!