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It’s Your Choice

We imagine if you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy, you are feeling overwhelmed. No one can ever be prepared for such a surprise! Take a deep breath. You’ve got options. First, you will want to have your pregnancy confirmed at our Center. We provide no-cost medical-grade pregnancy testing that is 99% accurate. If your test is positive, you will want to have a no-cost ultrasound next. Before you can make any decisions, these first two steps are essential.

After our medical staff has reviewed your results, we can sit down and talk about all of your options. We are committed to giving you accurate information about abortion and its side effects, the pros and cons of adoption, and parenting. Let us be that safe place where you can share your concerns, dreams, and life situation. Together, we can find the solution that is best for you and your future. We want to share this journey with you.


If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy, you may be considering abortion. In fact, it may seem like your only option. There is a lot to consider before you make a decision. You may have a lot of questions. Talk with us about what to expect from abortion procedures and possible risks.

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You have options when it comes to your unplanned pregnancy. Adoption is one option you may not have considered before. Find out if adoption is right for you. If being a mom is appealing but you cannot handle the day-to-day requirements, adoption might be your next best choice.

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Your first thought about parenting may be, “There is absolutely no way!” We want to assure you it is possible. In fact, there are more resources available today than ever before for women who choose to parent or co-parent independently. We want to help you in your parenting journey.

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