Still in School?
Finding out about an unplanned pregnancy is overwhelming, especially when you thought your life was moving in another direction. You probably did not expect to be pregnant while still in school, either. However, pregnancy does not mean you cannot continue on your journey. You are strong, independent, and we believe, fully capable of handling it all!
You need as much information as possible to make a decision that empowers your future. Let us show you the options available. We are ready to take this journey with you.
A New Path
Pregnancy does not mean your life, and the dreams you had for it are over. In fact, finishing school is essential to building a better future. Most schools are willing to assist you and often will modify your schedule if necessary. Keep your focus on graduating. Walking this new path may just mean it will take a little longer to arrive at your next life adventure.
How We Can Help
To help you move forward, we provide no-cost pregnancy testing and, if available, an ultrasound at no cost too. A member of our staff will provide factual information regarding all of your options, including abortion. We genuinely want you to make an informed decision.
Also, Hope First provides an Earn While You Learn
program with educational classes on fetal development, prenatal care, childbirth, breastfeeding, sexual health, relationships, and more. As you attend classes, you can earn credits to purchase items for your family from the center. To learn more about our educational programs, make an appointment with us today.
You Are Not Alone
First of all, the Hope First staff wants you to know you do not have to walk this path alone. We are here for you, to listen and provide the services you need to get answers and take control of your life. Before you decide, come talk with a member of our staff at no cost to you. You will gain the confidence you need to meet these new challenges facing you.
Schools In Our Area
Coast Carolina Community College
University of Mount Olive at Jacksonville