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Your Body and Pregnancy

Your Body and Pregnancy

Even though you may not have noticed, the moment you became pregnant your body started changing in miraculous ways.  These changes are preparing your body to be the perfect place for your baby to develop and grow until that beautiful day when you finally meet face-to-face. This is a general overview of some of the…


I need love!!

I need Love Couple

Have You Ever… …felt that all you really want is to be loved? …looked for love but found hurt and betrayal? …found yourself doing things you didn’t want to do hoping to keep someone’s love? Love is something every person yearns for.  It is to the heart what water is to the body.  Have you…



woman Looking strong

Informed Decision Checklist What do I need to know???? AM I PREGNANT? Pregnancy tests are not always accurate.  Get your pregnancy confirmed by a medical professional.  An ultrasound can tell if the baby has a heartbeat and how far along you are. DO I UNDERSTAND THE POTENTIAL RISKS? Every medical procedure, including abortion, carries the risk of…


The Abortion Pill

Woman Holding The Abortion Pill

A positive pregnancy test is one of the most life-changing moments for a woman. Never is it more important to base your decisions on accurate information.  Try to think beyond the pressures you face right now and consider the long-term impact of your choices. You may have considered—or someone around you may have suggested—having an…


The morning-after pill

Woman taking the The morning-after pill

So, you had unprotected sex, and thoughts are racing through your head… What if I’m pregnant? What if he has an STD and gave it to me? What if…? The “what if” questions can be scary. What is the morning-after pill? The morning-after pill isn’t a single drug.  There are two drugs that are used…


Waiting on Love


Waiting… waiting… waiting… I want to know now, I need to know now, ok, I am done waiting, I’m moving on… That is what we do in the world we live in.  We don’t wait for the outcome of a situation we just rush off to the “next best thing” only to wake up and…




“I can’t afford the textbook for this class!” I remember a classmate complaining to me in college. I smiled politely as I glanced down at her manicured gel nails and Coach purse and thought to myself, I can’t afford Coach. But I could afford the textbook, and so we shared. I think we often make…


Why do we over think so much?


Why do we over think so much? We, women, tend to think and think, and rethink what we just thought, said or did.  It doesn’t matter if you are 10, 16, 101 or anywhere in between.  We replay situations and conversations, wish we had done it differently and can usually imagine at least 5 or…


Your Time to Shine

It's your time to shine

A new year, it’s your year to shine! So much can happen in a year’s time. When we start out in January we are completely unaware of the joy that will come, of the tragedy that will shock us, or the decisions we will be faced with.  It is what you do in those moments that…


The Gift of LIFE

Group of people with their dog.

CHRISTMAS EVE 2001… She couldn’t believe how quickly LIFE had passed.  There was not much she would have done differently in her life.  She was raised to work hard, live with integrity, extend mercy to those in need, and live like it was her last day on earth.  Margaret, had lived up to the LIFE…