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Women Are Amazing!

Many of you might have seen the Special K commercial that says, WOMEN we are amazing, our bodies grow babies, we run marathons, companies, solve problems. How? WE EAT!  Now of course they can do all those things because they eat Special K. I can’t agree, I need much more than cereal to run a marathon. …


Sex and Duct Tape

I know, what is that title about?? I learned some very interesting info on sex this week.  I have always heard that sex bonds people together and it does, but there is actually a science behind it. When you are involved in sexual activity, powerful hormones are released in you brain.  These hormones produce lasting…


The Garden

This summer I tried my hand at gardening, both of my grandmas were avid gardeners. I remember working hot summer days planting, watering, hoeing, and finally picking.  However, I perhaps forgot some of the lessons on gardening and I should have paid closer attention in order to successfully grow my own. I learned a lot of life…


New Journey

Hello! I’m Krysia and I will be taking over Maxine’s position, I am certainly going to miss her. Now, this is part of my journey. I have been working here at Hope First for almost a year now. It is a dream come true. I have dreamed of a job where I could make a…



I’m not really sure how I’m feeling right now. So many good things are coming into my life soon, and so many good things are coming to an end also. I introduced myself when we first started this blog, but I wanted to share again. My name is Maxine, and I have had the privilege…


After my Abortion

Below you will find a story by one of Hope First’s clients. It had been four years since my abortion, and I was still suffering with the pain, shame, grief, and guilt.  I tried so hard to resolve these negative emotions on my own to no avail. I couldn’t live like this anymore. I was…


She’s a Fighter Like Her Mama

It didn’t seem possible at the time.  It seemed completely and utterly IMPOSSIBLE, actually.  Gary and I both knew we had no extra money or savings, and we had dreams for our future that didn’t involve having a baby at 20.  This was not our dream.  It was not our plan.  So we went online…


I’m Just Going to Love Him Anyway

David had not left Stella’s side for 3 days as she laid in her hospital bed. Despite his own health issues, being an 87 year old man, he was present through it all. He stayed awake and held her hand until he was sure she was out of the woods. This snapshot of husband and wife together…


Cheeto Keyboard

As I look down at my keyboard and type, I notice orange dust covering the keys. I am currently 17 weeks pregnant, and I am counting down the minutes till 11:30, which my coworker has deemed an appropriate time to have lunch. In the meantime, I am snacking on Cheetos. I am not sure if…


You Are What You Eat

You’ve probably heard this phrase once or twice in your life before, and if you are currently pregnant, people probably love to tell you exactly what you should be eating and what you shouldn’t. While I am not a medical professional, I am a newly pregnant first-time mom who I trying to make sense of…