Ever since you discovered you’re pregnant, you’ve been dreading one thing — telling your parents the news.
Whether you’re still under your parents’ roof or simply feel as though they won’t be supportive of your pregnancy, we’re here to help you navigate this challenging discussion.
Here are five tips to consider before telling your parents that you’re pregnant!
1. Visit your local pregnancy clinic to confirm your pregnancy
If you haven’t already, we recommend confirming your pregnancy with lab-quality pregnancy testing and an ultrasound scan.
Your local pregnancy center, like Hope First, will likely provide you with free and confidential pregnancy testing and an ultrasound scan so you can confirm you’re pregnant with a viable pregnancy.
Knowing whether or not your pregnancy is viable and healthy will not only help you make an informed choice for your pregnancy, but will also give your parents insight into your situation when you choose to deliver the news.
2. Gather information about your pregnancy options
Before you tell your parents about your pregnancy, it’s important to take time to understand the pregnancy options available to women facing unplanned pregnancies, including parenting, adoption, and abortion.
As you learn about each option, you’ll also discover the endless resources available to those experiencing unexpected pregnancies. From parenting education classes to adoption agency referrals, your local pregnancy center is here to help you learn more about the resources available to you.
If you’re not sure where to start, consider scheduling an appointment with a client advocate at Hope First! The more you know about your pregnancy options, the more equipped you will be to help inform your parents about the resources and help available to you and address any major concerns they may have.
3. Explore your thoughts and feelings about your pregnancy
When faced with an unplanned pregnancy, women are often overcome by the thoughts and opinions of others. Before you open yourself up to the opinions of too many people, we recommend taking time to explore your feelings and emotions surrounding your pregnancy.
Ask yourself:
“How do I feel about being pregnant?”
“What am I afraid of?”
“Is there anything I’m excited for?”
“Am I worried about what other people will think?”
“Who can I trust to be my allies as I walk through this?”
Once you take time to explore how you feel, you may find you are more confident in your pregnancy decision and can more easily share the news with your parents.
4. Keep the news simple
As you prepare to tell your parents, you may struggle to come up with the right words to say.
While this discussion will likely be lengthy in the end, we recommend keeping the initial news short, saying something along the lines of, “Mom and dad, I have some news to share with you. I’m pregnant.”
If you feel it’s appropriate, you may add something like, “I’m so sorry that I’ve betrayed your trust in this way. I know this is not what you had in mind for my life.”
While your parents may be shocked and upset, it’s important to keep in mind that this is the first time they are hearing the news. While you may be tempted to respond back emotionally, we recommend staying as calm and collected as possible.
While you should try to avoid words of anger, it’s still important to express your feelings — like fear, worry, or sadness — with your parents as the conversation progresses. The more you include them in your process, the more likely they will be to quickly join you in support and love.
5. Need some help? Schedule a time with one of our client advocates
Knowing how to tell your parents you’re pregnant can be incredibly intimidating. If you’re still struggling to know what to say or how to feel confident going into this important discussion, take time to meet with one of our client advocates.
Hope First will guide you through this pregnancy each step of the way — from telling your parents the news to accessing free pregnancy resources, parenting education, physical resources, and more!