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How to Recover Emotionally After An Abortion

Women who choose abortion will process their post-abortive journey differently. Perhaps you are experiencing sorrow, loss, grief, or even numbness; experts from both sides agree that “abortion is consistently associated with elevated rates of mental illness compared to women without a history of abortion.”

Whatever you are experiencing, you are not alone, but with the right resources and support, you can find healing.

Give Yourself Time and Space

Don’t pressure yourself or give yourself a deadline when you think you should return to “normal.” 

An abortion shocks your hormonal system, so understand that you may not feel like your old self as your body works to regain its normal hormonal levels. 

Show yourself the same consideration that you should show to a friend. Go on a long walk, meet with a good friend for brunch, or have a self-care night. Take things slow and allow your body and mind to process your experience.

Get Help From Your Support System

You may tend to isolate yourself when you struggle with mental health, so you mustn’t allow yourself to become siloed from those who care about you.

Sharing your experience with a trusted loved one can be crucial to your post-abortive healing. Voicing how you feel can bring a sense of freedom when you share it with someone else, so it feels like a burden you carry alone. 

You don’t have to broadcast it to your friend group, but seeking out one trusted friend is a good idea.

Seek Post-Abortive Care 

In addition to your support system, a trained professional who understands how difficult experiences affect your brain and thought patterns is irreplaceable.

At Hope First, we offer a variety of referrals for post-abortive support and a safe, peer-supported space for you to process your emotions. 

Contact us today so that we may begin to support you on your post-abortion journey.