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Even for women who are trying to get pregnant, that moment when the pregnancy test is positive, there’s a euphoric feeling of being frozen in time. All of a sudden, so many things in your life will change. You realize, very quickly, that your body is being shared and causing some symptoms like nausea, fatigue, or headaches. Suddenly, this pregnancy becomes the most immediate subject in your mind.

Maybe you don’t know what you want to do. You’re contemplating abortion, or unsure of how you’d parent even if you wanted to. Maybe you know what you want, but all of a sudden you feel you’re treading in uncharted waters. That overwhelming feeling of being in over your head is almost inevitable no matter what your thoughts are about your pregnancy.

But there is hope. Your current situation feels immense and huge, but when we take things one day at a time, and one decision at a time, we tend to gain a little more perspective. I get it. Sometimes the weight of our lives can feel overwhelming and scary, but that’s the time to remember that we can only tackle what is right now, today.

What’s the next decision you need to make? Focus on that for today, and let tomorrow be taken care of…tomorrow. If you are unsure about what your options for your pregnancy are, we are here with information, free lab-grade pregnancy tests, and a listening ear. Call us or make an appointment online today.