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pregnant woman considering an adoption

Adoption is not the same as “giving your baby away.” When you choose adoption, you are making a thoughtful decision to provide your child with a loving, stable family.

Adoption is a complex and emotional process, but it is not abandoning your baby. You are entrusting them to another family who can provide the care and support you may feel unable to give now.

It’s a highly personal choice; only you can decide what is best for you and your child. Adoption does not mean you love your baby any less. It can express your deep love and desire to give them the best possible future.

You can contact us today to discuss adoption in more detail.

Your Adoption Options

As the biological mother, you have significant control over the adoption process and the level of involvement you maintain. One option is an open adoption, which allows you to have an ongoing relationship with your child and the adoptive family.

Alternatively, a closed adoption may be preferable if you desire more privacy. In a closed adoption, all of your identifying information is sealed by the court, ensuring complete anonymity from the adoptive family. Closed adoptions can offer a sense of closure and separation if that aligns better with your needs.

Financial factors can also play a role in your decision. The adoption agency or adoptive family can often cover your living expenses and pregnancy-related medical costs.

If money is a significant concern, this level of financial support may make adoption a more viable and appealing option for you to consider.

Finding the Support You Need

Many women facing unexpected pregnancies feel alone and unsupported. At Onslow Pregnancy Resource Center, we provide compassionate guidance and practical assistance.

We offer free pregnancy testing and ultrasounds to give you critical information about your pregnancy. We can also connect you with reputable adoption agencies if you decide the best choice for you and your child.

You don’t have to navigate an unexpected pregnancy alone. The caring team at Onslow Pregnancy Resource Center is here to walk alongside you, offering the resources, referrals, and emotional support you need every step of the way.

Contact us today!