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So there are a lot of opinions out there about pregnancy and everything that comes with it. People tell you how you should and shouldn’t feel right from the beginning, which I think can create a lot of guilt. Well, I am here to tell you something. All pregnancies are different, and all are surrounded by very different circumstances.

Personally, when I found out I was pregnant, I was expecting a crazy overhaul of emotions. Those emotions really didn’t come in the stereotypical way. I saw other moms tearing up at the mere mention of the little person growing inside of them, and I wanted to feel the same way. But what I felt most was nausea. Most of the day, everyday.

So here is the truth. No woman should compare herself, her emotions, or her pregnancy to another. I know that when this baby comes, I am going to do my best, as I always do, to learn how to parent and take care of this new little person. Some women may be facing their pregnancies alone, while others may be unsure whether or not they want to parent. All these difficulties can make one feel isolated or detached, but keeping the bug picture in mind really helps me.

Pregnancy is not the end destination of this journey. Even when our pregnancies may be filled with uncertainties or struggles, broken relationships or difficult choices about the future, the end game is a brand new relationship with a precious new little person. I am keeping this in mind as I push through the morning sickness that, and it really helps me stay positive and encouraging.

If you are facing struggles in your pregnancy or are trying to make a pregnancy decision, we have information and support that can help you. Call us or make an appointment online today to learn more about your options and support in your community.