Secrets; they can eat at you, torment you, and sometimes destroy you.
What are your secrets…
I had an affair… Addiction almost ruined my life…
I used to be a stripper… When I was 19 I tried to commit suicide…
Secrets… if we are real with ourselves, we all have secrets, things in our lives that nobody knows about. We have habits, hurts, and hang-ups that we silently struggle with every day. Some of us have secrets from the past that we wish we could forget, and most of all we pray nobody ever finds out about them. What will happen if they know…
Confessions... I could never tell my secrets!!! I’m the type of person that looks at those around me and see their perfection, at the same time seeing all my imperfections. Consequently, what you find out is, there are no perfect people… we all have a past. While we desire to hide them from the world, sometimes confession is the greatest healer of old wounds. It can be good for the person confessing, and at the same time, it can also be good for the person listening.
Secrets & Peace… As a result of confessing my secrets, to those I trust, I find people accept them better than I imagine they will. I have found much peace from confessing those secrets that haunted me. For me, when I find out someone’s story it doesn’t make me think less of them, I value them more. Because you can see the real person, not a fake imitation of what they want people to see. Finally, the key is knowing you can trust the person you are telling.
Here at Hope First you can trust us.
You might be pregnant… you don’t want nobody to know about it, you’re scared and feeling overwhelmed. You don’t have to feel alone, because we are here to listen. Your appointment is totally free and confidential. We have all walked down an uncertain road; therefore we do not judge. Maybe you have already had an abortion and need to talk. Please make an appointment today, we understand. Call us at 910-938-7000 or visit our website to make an appointment.