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In January, we showcased the new logo for our pregnancy center! As you can see below, the main attraction is a single starfish.

Many people think we chose the starfish since we are located near the beach, but in reality, this little sea creature has a lot more meaning to us. We were inspired by the Starfish Story, by Loren Eiseley.

This story challenges us to make a difference, one person at a time. Sometimes, in the big picture, it can feel overwhelming to try to reach and help every woman who faces an unplanned pregnancy. But, every time I look at our new logo, I remember that to the one woman who walks through our doors in need of love and support, our work makes a WORLD of difference!

In life, we may not be able to help all the “starfish on the beach”, but we can start by helping one person, by making a difference in one person’s life, and that can have a ripple effect as others join in to help more and more people together!