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What Are the Signs of an Incomplete Abortion?

This woman is wondering what are the signs of an incomplete abortion?

An incomplete abortion does not mean that your procedure was entirely unsuccessful. It also does not mean you had a natural miscarriage.  However, it does mean that not all of the fetal tissue was successfully removed from your uterus. This is critical to have removed because it can cause serious health complications like infection. If…


How Do I Know If I’m Pregnant? 

Here is a woman wondering How Do I Know If I’m Pregnant? 

The human body is complex, which can make knowing whether or not you’re pregnant a challenge. Thankfully, there are a few indicators you can look out for before you confirm your pregnancy with a lab-quality pregnancy test and an ultrasound scan. If you think you might be experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, take a deep breath…


How do I tell my parents that I’m pregnant?

woman wondering how to tell her parents that she is pregnant.

Ever since you discovered you’re pregnant, you’ve been dreading one thing — telling your parents the news.  Whether you’re still under your parents’ roof or simply feel as though they won’t be supportive of your pregnancy, we’re here to help you navigate this challenging discussion.  Here are five tips to consider before telling your parents…


When Should I Get An Ultrasound?

woman wondering when to get an ultrasound

If you’ve received a positive result on a pregnancy test, verifying it with an ultrasound is next. Usually, an ultrasound is done within the first 12 weeks, which is the same time most women discover they’re pregnant. How an ultrasound works An ultrasound is an imaging method using high-frequency sound waves to capture images inside…


What Is Abortion Pill Reversal?

The abortion pill reversal is a process used to reverse the effects of the abortion pill in the case where a woman changes her mind in the middle of the abortion process. To fully understand the process and how it works, we should first discuss the process of the abortion pill!   What is the…


Finding Hope

Finding Hope

I’m sure many of you are like me, this Covid-19 crisis has you concerned.  We worry about getting the virus, or an elderly family member getting it, or our financial future.  The news media does not help in the fight against fear.  We seek to find comfort in these uncertain times.  We may not know…


Future is Female

Future is Female

The first time I heard that phrase I remember wondering exactly what that meant.  I did some research on the phrase and found two times in history it was made famous, once during the 1970s, and it made a comeback in 2017 during the Clinton campaign.  The phrase is a product of the Feminist Movement. …




Abby thought, “No way I can have this baby. What about my military career?” She wasn’t married and her boyfriend wasn’t sure what he wanted to do. She was so scared about her future; she had not planned on being a single mom. She met with a client advocate who was able to calm some of…


If we don’t have sex, what do we do?

Will My Insurance Pay For My Girlfriend’s Abortion?

Back to school can always be an exciting time! You get to see friends you have missed over the summer and meet new ones that are just starting.  It is also the perfect time to meet your high school sweetheart.  A new relationship is always so much fun.  However, the big question that is on…


Pro-life, pro-choice, pro-women…

Pro-Life Crowd

Pro-Life, Pro-Choice, Pro-Abortion, Pro-Women, Pro-Love, and Pro… It seems like today everyone is pro-something.  If you sit back and listen to all the talk and controversy on these issues, it can be overwhelming and confusing, especially to a woman who has found herself in an unplanned pregnancy.  I’m not here to tell you which pro-position…